2023 October-December Trust System Newsletter

Greetings Trust Beneficiaries:
With the 45-day legislative session upon us, it’s truly amazing how many issues weave their way into the Trust System. The Protection & Advocacy Office is focused on supporting legislation that benefits the trust beneficiaries and opposing any that could
undermine trust principles. There are two bills in particular we invite you to pay close attention to:
H.B. 262: This bill allows the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (TLA) to directly sell specific large land blocks with significant recreational and other public values to the Utah Department of Natural Resources (DNR). These kinds
of sales will increase funding for the Trust beneficiaries and preserve public access. We urge your support of this bill in its current form and ask that you watch your emails for a joint letter of support.
H.B. 320 This bill is not friendly to the Trust as it would impose expensive and time-consuming red tape obligations on all transactions, as well as remove the ability to engage in meaningful land exchanges with the federal government. Please join us in opposing this bill.
As we navigate this legislative session, our office is dedicated to safeguarding your interests as beneficiaries of the Trust System.
Download the 2023 October-December Trust Lands System Newsletter